Town Board |
Fire Commissioners Board |
Board Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. Board meetings are held at the Town Hall unless otherwise announced.
SUPERVISOR Russ Payne ~ 716-397-7268 COUNCIL MEMBER Kenneth Dahlgren ~ 716-489-1114 COUNCIL MEMBER John Barber - 716-708-5691 COUNCIL MEMBER Dalton Anthony - 716-490-5706 COUNCIL MEMBER Tim Burkett - 716-720-6574 TOWN CLERK Susan Rowley 716-569-5365 FAX: 716-569-6331 Planning Board7-year term
CHAIR - Randall Sitler (2023) Tracy Magnuson (2024) Josh Eckert (2025) Heather Lynn (2026) Sherry Jacobson (2027) Polly Hanson (2028) Nick Niles (2029) Board of ReviewCHAIR - Jay Eckert
David Brown John Dale Mike Peterson Jason Ruhlman |
FIRE COMMISSIONERS (term ending year noted)
Don Mowry (2024) Nick Niles (2025) Don Sparling (2026) Bob Price (2027) Cory Lauffenburger (2028) All Monthly Meetings will take place at the Town Of Carroll Town Hall at 7 pm on the following dates in 2024
Zoning Board of Appeals5-year term
Vacancy (2026) Trudy Bloomquist (2025) Tracy Magnuson (2024) Vacancy (2023) Vacancy (2022) Board of EthicsCHAIR - Kelly Norrod
Brian Gustafson Ron Lemon Mel McGinnis Phil Roushey Tim Burkett |